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  • Our story starts
    way back in 1995
    Levin-local, licorice-loving Roger Halliwell and his son Regan James (that’s who we got our RJ’s name from!) started making licorice with the belief they could make it better than anything they could buy.
    Roger and Regan had big dreams for RJ’s and by 1998, they were delighted to be market leaders. The kiwis had done it! The factory in Levin was cranking, with tonnes of licorice being made daily to satisfy demand.
    Even with a booming factory and a team of lolly makers perfecting the recipe, Roger and RJ weren’t done. “What if we coated our licorice with chocolate?” they wondered.
    Marrying together licorice and chocolate was no easy task. During their many tests a thought occurred to them… “what if we put the chocolate inside the licorice?”
    And so, in the year 2000, this dream came true. The arrival of the RJ’s iconic licorice choc log, a world first. Licorice lovers around the world couldn’t get enough of it.
    Our Kiwi made confectionery continues to be enjoyed globally. With over 10,000,000 units sold outside of NZ annually, RJ’s are extremely proud to be waving the NZ flag and reaching millions of people in all corners of the globe with our amazing sweets. See more: